Emílio Smiljanic Júnior
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of sowing time on dry matter production and quality of five Brachiaria forage species in the municipality of Mineiros - GO. The study was conducted at the Municipal Integrated Foundation for Higher Education in an experimental area of the Institute for Agricultural Research (IPAF), southwest of Goiás State, from March to October 2006. A randomized block experimental design was used. of subdivided plots, with 4 repetitions. Each block represented a sowing season, where the first one was carried out on 02/10/2006 and the other 25/02; 3/12; 27/03 and 12/04/2006, totaling five blocks. The species chosen were: Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst) cv. Marandú; Hybrid Brachiaria cv. Mulatto; Brachiaria decumbens Stapf; Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG-5 and Brachiaria ruziziensis. The average yields of dry matter per species cut 30 cm from the ground were: B. brizantha cv. Mulatto; B. decumbens Stapf; B. brizantha cv. MG-5; B.ruziziensis and B. brizantha (Hochst) cv. Marandú with 11477.34 kg.ha-1, 8848.29 kg.ha-1, 8179.81 kg.ha-1, 7483.69 kg.ha-1 and 6753.65 kg.ha-1 respectively. The average production per planting season was, in descending order: season 1 = 14,871.21 kg.ha-1; season 2 = 14,839.06 kg.ha-1; season 3 = 7,679.42 kg.ha-1; season 4 = 3,684.77 kg.ha-1; season 5 = 668.42 kg.ha-1. It is suggested that the sowing of brachiaria by the third season 12/03/2006 will allow sufficient straw for no-tillage, and that any of the five evaluated species produced sufficient biomass for good cover for no-tillage, making it possible to insert the planting production system. with integrated livestock farming in the municipality of Mineiros - GO.