Paula Assis Lopes
Aiming to evaluate the biological, chemical, soil granulometry and genetic divergence attributes through ISSR molecular markers of the environments of Cajuzinho-do-cerrado and Gabirobeiras species occurrence, two studies were conducted, the first one to evaluate the environmental divergence by soil attributes and the second in the evaluation of genetic divergence through ISSR molecular markers. The expeditions were carried out in ten municipalities: Abadiânia, Aporé, Barra do Garças, Caiaponia, Jataí, Mineiros, Perolândia, Piranhas, Rio Verde and Serranópolis, to collect plant material (leaves) and soil samples from the environments where Cerrado Cashew (Cajuzinho do Cerrado) and Gabirobeiras occur. Data obtained through soil sample analysis and molecular data through ISSR markers were submitted to descriptive and multivariate analysis by clustering methods. There was a great divergence between the environments of occurrence of Cajuzinho-do-cerrado and Gabirobeiras by soil attributes and by ISSR markers.