

     The Graduate Program (GP) in Agronomy at the Federal University of Jataí (GP linked to the Federal University of Goiás) is located in the Southwest region of the state of Goiás, headquartered in the Jataí city, municipality whose economy is based on agribusiness and stands out as one of the main grain producers in the country. In that regard, the Agronomy Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Goiás - Jataí Regional, which dates from 2006, was created. Its main goal is to qualify professionals in masters level to work with teaching, research, extension and innovation in Agricultural Sciences at regional, national and international levels.



PPGA's mission is in accordance with the mission of the Federal University of Goiás in the production, systematization and socialization of knowledge, training professionals and citizens committed to the development of society, as well as the mission of the agricultural sciences area I in the formation of qualified masters with skills and abilities adhering to scientific, technological and conceptual visions of modern agriculture.

Therefore, our mission is to train professionals at the master's level, prepared to work with teaching, research, extension and innovation activities to contribute regionally, in the training of new human resources, as well as in solving problems inherent to both business agriculture and family agriculture, at the local, regional and national levels, seeking to enable the production of healthy foods in a sustainable way.


Transform through education, valuing the training of qualified human resources, the production of scientific and technological knowledge in the field of Agricultural Sciences I, as well as its dissemination, seeking to be a reference in teaching, research and extension.


The PPGA's values are: Ethics, Morals, Responsibility, Respect, People, Excellence, and Sustainability.


    The Program is managed by a Cooordinating Comittee. The didactic-academic regimen of the Program follows the guidelines and norms contained in its Internal Regulations and the General Regulations of UFG Postgraduation. Currently, the Program has 14 permanent professors, 3 collaborating professors and 7 administrative and laboratory technicians who provide the necessary support to the various academic-scientific activities.