Gabriela Fernandes Gama

AUTHOR: Gabriela Fernandes Gama


ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Givanildo Zildo da Silva, Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Carla Gomes Machado, Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Diego Ismael Rocha

APPROVAL DATE: 07/24/2020


Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a species that has the potential to be included in the cultivation systems of Brazil, entering as an option for a crop rotation, making it an alternative to a system so consolidated that it is a succession of soy and corn. And the quality of the seed is one of the main factors in the implantation of the crop, being important to study and evaluate it. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the mobilization of reserves during the germination of safflower seeds until the establishment of the seedling and to evaluate the seeds of this species through X-ray analysis and determination of the methodology of the tetrazolium test. For mobilization of reserves and X-ray analysis, 1 lot of safflower seeds was used and for the tetrazolium test, 12 lots were used. In the mobilization of reserves biochemical analyzes (determination of carbohydrate, protein, lipid and chlorophyll) and anatomical analyzes were performed, both of which were evaluated in five germination periods (12h, 3, 5, 8, 15 and 22 days after sowing). This lot was also characterized in terms of seed viability, through X-ray images. To determine the methodology for the tetrazolium test, three steps were performed (preconditioning, coloring and determination of vigor levels of the seed lots). The experimental design was completely randomized. The data referring to the periods during the mobilization of reserves were submitted to regression analysis. For tetrazolium, the data were subjected to analysis of variance at 5 and 1% probability by the F test, with the treatments grouped by the Scott-Knott method. The main source of safflower reserve is lipids, followed by carbohydrates and proteins, with a reduction of 37% for lipids, 3% for carbohydrates and 0,5% for proteins, during the germination and seedling development process. To conduct the tetrazolium test, it is recommended to pre-condition the seeds for 4 hours, on paper at 25 ° C and color for 1 hour, with a concentration of 1% for the solution, at 30 ° C. This is efficient in evaluating the quality of safflower seeds as well as X-ray analysis. Palavas-Chave Estrangeiras biochemistry, anatomy, vigor.